a render of a man next to a double helix DNA strand

Advances in Men's Sexual Health: The Role of Genetics

The intricate interplay between genetics and men's sexual health has been a subject of increasing interest in recent years. Understanding how genetics can influence conditions like Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Peyronie's Disease (PD), and Premature Ejaculation (PE) offers new insights into these common male sexual issues.

This article explores the latest research findings on the genetic factors contributing to these conditions.





a render of a doctor next to a holographic double helix DNA strand

Genetics and Erectile Dysfunction

One significant breakthrough in the study of ED is the discovery of a genetic variant near the SIM1 gene. Research involving over 36,649 men found that individuals with this specific genetic variant have a 26% higher likelihood of suffering from ED compared to the general male population. However, it's important to note that genetics is just one piece of the puzzle. 

ED tends to affect men who are older, overweight, and have underlying conditions like diabetes. Smoking or a history of smoking further increases the risk.

While genetic predisposition plays a role, a study of middle-aged men indicated that genetics alone accounted for ED in approximately one-third of cases.






a render of the DNA sequence of adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine

Genetics and Peyronie's Disease

Research into the genetic underpinnings of PD has yielded inconclusive results so far. However, several intriguing factors suggest a potential link. PD is more prevalent among Caucasian men than in other ethnic groups, a pattern often seen in diseases with a founder mutation, such as Cystic Fibrosis.

PD is characterised as a fibroproliferative disease, and it exhibits a robust comorbidity of around 20% with Dupuytren disease. In PD, fibrous plaque develops in the envelope that stretches along the penis, providing stability during erections. This plaque causes curvature or indentation. In contrast, Dupuytren disease manifests as knots of tissue beneath the skin, leading to finger flexion and bending.

Additionally, PD is frequently associated with injury. Many men can recall traumatic events, such as injuries during sexual activity or blunt force trauma, that may trigger PD. However, only a minority of men go through life without experiencing such injuries and the excruciating pain associated with them.






Genetics and Premature Ejaculation

In the realm of PE, researchers have identified the involvement of three types of genes that influence the timing of ejaculation. Men with the LL gene tend to ejaculate roughly twice as quickly as those with SS or SL genes.

This genetic variation sheds light on the biological mechanisms contributing to rapid ejaculation. 

an illustration of shockwave therapy being administered to aid with erectile dysfunction treatments

Treatments for Men's Sexual Health Issues

Men's sexual issues can cause many men immense suffering. But those who consulted us went away with a happy face. That's because the revolutionary non-invasive treatments which we provide to treat various male sexual issues like ED, PD or PE, are extremely effective.

Our unique combination of treatments including Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT), Extracorporeal MagnetoTransduction Therapy (EMTT) and NanoVi are capable of breaking down penile plaques, improving blood flow within penile tissues, speeding up the healing process and improving the immune system of body.

For PE patients we provide state-of-the-art pelvic floor muscle therapy, which enables men to undertake approximately 28,500 pelvic floor exercises in just 30 minutes. Moreover, all of our treatments are completely safe for most men and don't have any major side-effects.






Men's Sexual Health and Genetics FAQs

How important is genetics in men's sexual health?

Genetics is a crucial factor in men’s sexual health. It can influence the overall quality of one’s sex life and may contribute to or protect against various sexual dysfunctions.

Can genetics be responsible for male sexual issues?

Yes, genetics can indeed play a role in the development of male sexual issues, including ED and PD. Recent studies have uncovered the genetic components contributing to these conditions, challenging earlier beliefs that genetics played a minimal role.

Can genetics play a role in inducing ED in men?

Absolutely. Researchers have identified a specific gene, known as SIM1, that can increase the risk of ED in men. However, it’s important to recognize that genetics is just one of several factors that can lead to ED

If I don't have the SIM1 gene, am I safe from ED?

While not having the SIM1 gene reduces one’s risk, it’s crucial to understand that ED can stem from various causes beyond genetics. Factors like aging, underlying health conditions, lifestyle choices, and psychological factors can all contribute to ED.

Is PD a genetic issue?

Research results on the genetic connection to PD have been mixed. However, there is evidence suggesting a genetic link, as PD can run in families. For instance, it is more prevalent among Caucasian men, indicating possible genetic predisposition.

What are the other risk factors for ED and PD other than genetics?

In addition to genetics, several risk factors can contribute to ED and PD. These include aging, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart conditions, penile trauma, anxiety, and depression. For PD, penile injuries are a leading cause, while diabetes and connective tissue disorders like Dupuytren’s disease increase the risk.

Can I suffer from PD even if I've never experienced penile trauma?

Yes, PD can affect men without a history of penile trauma. While injuries are a common cause, other factors such as diabetes and connective tissue disorders can increase vulnerability to PD.

Can Premature Ejaculation be a genetic problem?

Yes, research has suggested a genetic link to Premature Ejaculation (PE). Twin studies have helped identify this link, with some researchers linking PE to genes involved in serotonin regulation.

Are ED, PD, and PE fully treatable?

In most cases, these sexual issues are treatable. However, PD is often more complex to treat. Non-invasive treatments like Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT), Extracorporeal MagnetoTransduction Therapy (EMTT), NanoVi, and pelvic floor muscle therapy are effective for these conditions. In some instances, surgical procedures may be necessary to address specific concerns, such as penile curvature in PD.




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