Erectile Dysfunction
and Angina
Angina is chest pain that happens because there isn't enough blood going to part of your heart.
Restricted blood flow can also mean having problems getting, maintaining, or only having partial erections because the arteries in the penis are narrow and may become clogged.
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Clogged arteries and your penis
What's more, clogged arteries in the penis may be a warning sign of undiagnosed heart disease - If penile arteries are clogged, there's an increased chance that there are clogged arteries in other parts of the body.
Clogged arteries, known in the medical profession as atherosclerosis, occur when fatty deposits build up along the artery walls impacting blood circulation to the heart and elsewhere in the body.
Men suffering from clogged arteries not only face an increased risk of poor heart health, but are also more likely to experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Research has shown that there is a strong connection between ED and heart disease.
A man achieves an erection when blood travels to the penile arteries. During an erection these arteries widen and allow blood to travel and stay in the penis. When arteries are blocked by plaque or fatty deposits, it can make it impossible for blood to travel to the penis.
ED and Heart Disease
A huge number of men who suffer from ED experience early signs of heart disease.
The chances of suffering from cardiac issues are significantly higher in ED patients than others who don't have erection problems - Usually, the symptoms of heart related issues start to appear within two to three years of the appearance of ED symptoms.
In a paper published by a major heart journal, the authors noted that, “Patients should be systematically screened for ED as a part of periodic examination programs.”
For men, ED can not only ruin their confidence - it's also a tell-tale sign that they may be suffering from a serious underlying health condition, not only impacting their sexual function, but also greatly increasing the risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke.
Research into this was reported in an Australian population-based study linking questionnaire data from 2006–2009 with hospitalisation and death data to June 2010 for 95,038 men aged 45 years or over, researchers found that more severe erectile dysfunction was associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
Recent studies have indicated that erectile dysfunction preceding heart problems is often due to the dysfunction of the inner lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) and smooth muscle.
Some of the common medicines that are used to treat chronic angina are beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. These medications can also have adverse effects on the erectile function of men. Non-selective beta blockers and calcium channel blockers can reduce the blood flow within penile tissues, decrease sexual urge and reduce erectile rigidity in some men. You always need to be aware of the potential negative side-effects of the medicines that you are taking and discuss these issues with your doctor.
It's important that any underlying medical condition, such as angina is detected and investigated by your doctor or GP. They will examine you to try to establish the cause of the problem and may refer you for further tests. You shouldn't take any medicine for ED without first discussing this with your doctor.
How can MansMatters help?
We offer much more effective solutions for ED in the form of shockwave therapy and Extracorporeal MagnetoTransduction Therapy (EMTT). Our combined shockwave therapy and EMTT program is extremely effective in treating ED.
Focused shockwave therapy utilises special shockwaves to improve the blood flow within penile tissues and to promote the growth of new blood vessels. This therapy can also break down the plaques inside the blood vessels which can free up the blood pathways and enable better blood flow.
EMTT improves the blood flow inside the penis, heals the endothelial cells present in the blood vessels and generates new cells through the use of an intense magnetic field. The intensity of this magnetic field can also be adjusted according to the necessity of the condition of the patients.
Erectile Dysfunction and Angina FAQ's
Is ED a Common Issue in Men Who Suffer from Anaemia?
Although both ED and anaemia may seem unrelated at a first glance, both of these issues have a strong association with one another. That’s why, men who suffer from anaemia have an increased risk of suffering from ED.
Is there any link between ED and Anaemia?
Anaemia can cause fatigue, weakness, and low energy levels in men. All of these factors are known to be responsible for the development of ED.
How does Anaemia Occur?
Anaemia is a condition which is identified by a low red blood cell count. It can occur due to a variety of reasons, for example, iron deficiency, folate deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc. can all cause anaemia. Other chronic issues such as cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease and Crohn’s disease can also cause anaemia.
How Can I Improve My Sexual Function if I Have Anaemia?
If you have anaemia and are suffering from sexual dysfunction you can improve your sexual function by treating anaemia. To do so, you may need to consult a medical professional. You can also adopt a healthier diet, which will improve your anaemia and your sexual function at the same time.
Can Vitamin B12 Deficiency be Responsible for the Development of ED?
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to a reduced production of red blood cells, and this can affect the circulation of oxygen in various parts of the body, including penile tissues. This can cause difficulties in obtaining strong erections.
Can Vitamin B9 Deficiency Cause ED?
Vitamin B9 deficiency can be responsible for the development of ED in men. A number of research programs have been conducted on this subject and shown that vitamin B9 deficiency can cause ED.
Is Iron Deficiency a Risk Factor for ED?
Iron deficiency is considered a risk factor for ED. With iron deficiency, production of red blood cells can get hampered, which means penile tissues may not get enough oxygen rich blood flow. Moreover, iron deficiency can lead to lower levels of nitric oxide. Without an adequate amount of nitric oxide, penile tissues may not get properly relaxed. If these tissues don’t get relaxed enough, then blood circulation within the penis can get hampered which ultimately can result in ED.
Is ED Treatable For Those Who Suffer From Anaemia?
Yes, changing diets to treat anaemia may be enough for some men to regain better erectile function. However, this may not work for many men, and you will need to explore alternative treatments such as shockwave therapy, EMTT therapy and FMS.
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