a 3D render of a NanoVi Machine

Introducing the NanoVi® 

To have a satisfactory erection a man requires a huge inflow of blood into the penis. If you are suffering from poor endothelial function this will result in the inability of the smooth muscle cells lining the penile area to relax and allow sufficient blood flow.

The Nanovi is an excellent treatment to improve endothelial function and also reduces oxidative stress.





an illustration of a person undergoing a NanoVi treatment to help with men's sexual health

Enjoy spontaneous sex

To overcome ED, there are a few important steps to take to be able to enjoy spontaneous penetrative intercourse once more (Without having to resort to taking ‘little blue pills' that will work well initially but fade in effect over time).

This is why not only have we introduced the NanoVi® into our comprehensive erectile dysfunction medical protocol, but the most powerful model available - the NanoVi Exo®.

  • NanoVi® helps repair cell damage and DNA within those cells caused by age, lifestyle and what you eat as well as what you are exposed to.
  • It does this by strengthening your immune system, while simultaneously increasing your vitality and slowing the ageing process - Not only non-invasively, but without using harmful chemicals. While doing this it also helps repair endothelial functions in the penis and prostate area.
  • Furthermore, there is growing recognition of the association of Chronic Prostatitis (CP) & Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) accompanying ED. Figures show that 15% of men may experience prostatitis and suffer some symptoms during their lifetime and prostatitis is the most common urinary system disease in men under 50-years of age.

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an illustration of shockwave therapy being used to help with men's sexual health issues

NanoVi® & A Combination of Treatments

While there are a number of other businesses providing Shockwave Therapy for ED, at our specialist clinic we have undertaken in-depth research with our clients enabling our clinicians to undertake a combination of specialist treatments that allow them to provide a superior, long-lasting outcome for our ED clients.

Shockwave creates many more and better blood vessels, electromagnetic transduction therapy makes each of these blood vessels more dynamic and increases intercellular communication and the NanoVi® works on the proteins within each of these cells, thereby promoting the overall health of the penis.





a diagram showing how a free radical takes electrons off of a an antioxidant and toxin

NanoVi® Technology

Our NanoVi® equipment produces the same biological signal your body uses to repair cell damage brought on by free radicals.

Free radicals, also known as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), are volatile and highly reactive molecules. They appear naturally in your body from cell metabolism and oxygen usage and are produced by exposure to toxins, stress, and everyday life occurrences. In order to maintain health, the body needs to neutralise their negative impact adequately.

But there are two types of ROS – one is bad as outlined above and the other is good. These good ones initiate cell repair and the NanoVi® produces exactly the same initiation as the “good ROS”, supplementing the ones your body makes naturally.


 a bearded older man performing research on his mobile phone at a desk

How Does NanoVi® Work?

We use the most powerful NanoVi Exo® at our clinic. This enables us to create a specific electromagnetic wave that has precisely the same wavelength as the ‘good' ROS produced in our cells. The result is transferred to absorbed humidity and the effect is delivered to you across humidified air.

You inhale this moist humidified air from the NanoVi® through a nasal cannula and the repair process outlined above takes place.

To help our clients overcome ED, we usually ask them to undertake sessions at the same time as their shockwave or EMTT sessions.






NanoVi® & Athletes

All types of performance athletes use NanoVi® to accelerate their recovery after injury allowing them to return to the competitive environment more quickly. Many of them maintain their NanoVi® usage after they have recovered so that their level of good ROS is sustained, boosting their vitality, and giving them an edge over their competitors. If the NanoVi® is good for athletes, we believe it will be equally good for you.




NanoVi® FAQs

Is NanoVi Technology Effective for the Treatment of ED?

NanoVi is a part of our unique combination of ED treatments, and it has proven to be extremely effective in helping ED patients overcome their erection problems and help them lead a satisfactory sex life.

Is NanoVi a Safe Treatment Procedure?

Yes. NanoVi is a completely safe, non-invasive treatment. It doesn’t utilise any sort of harmful chemicals whatsoever.

How Does NanoVi Technology Work?

NanoVi technology uses a specific electromagnetic wave that has the same wavelength as the ‘good’ ROS produced in the cells of the patient’s body. The result is then transmitted to absorbed humidity and the effect is delivered to the patient through humidified air. The patient inhales this moist humidified air through a nasal cannula. This treatment works on the proteins of the cells, reduces oxidative stress, repairs cell damage, and helps to repair the endothelial function as well.

Is the Electromagnetic Wave Created by NanoVi Harmful?

No. The electromagnetic wave which is created by the NanoVi treatment procedure is completely safe and doesn’t have any negative consequences.

What Type of NanoVi Technology Do You use?

We use NanoVi Exo, which is the most powerful model of NanoVi technology, to provide effective and comprehensive ED treatment for our patients.

Is NanoVi a Non-invasive Treatment Procedure?

Just like our other ED therapies such as shockwave therapy, EMTT therapy and the Tesla Chair, NanoVi Exo is also a completely non-invasive treatment option which doesn’t require any sort of surgical procedure.

Is NanoVi Exo Compatible With Your Other Treatments?

Yes. NanoVi Exo is fully compatible with our other treatment procedures.

Do You Provide NanoVi Alongside Shockwave Therapy for the Treatment of ED?

Yes, we do provide it along with shockwave therapy for the treatment of ED. The effectiveness of both of these treatments is increased when we utilise them in conjunction with each other. Shockwave therapy generates new blood vessels and improves penile blood flow. Meanwhile, NanoVi helps in repairing the cell damage and enhances the overall health of the penis.

What Are the Benefits of Having NanoVi Treatment?

There are numerous benefits of having NanoVi treatment. It is completely non-invasive and doesn’t use any sort of chemicals which are harmful to the body. This treatment enhances the vitality of the patient, slows down the ageing process and strengthens the immune system. NanoVi also improves the use of the nutrients and oxygen in the body.




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