a diagram showing what Peyronie's Disease is, highlighting the fibrous plaque that causes it

Erectile Dysfunction
& Peyronie's Disease

A high proportion of Peyronie's Disease (PD) patients (men suffering with curved, deformed, and indented penis's) will also notice that their erectile function becomes less effective.

Whereas some patients may have suffered Erectile Dysfunction (ED) prior to the onset of PD, in many cases a patient with PD will notice their ability to have full erections will lessen as their Peyronie's Disease progresses.

Both Peyronie's Disease and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) share a common factor – a hindrance to the normal blood flow required for a male to achieve an erection. Fortunately, both conditions can be effectively addressed through advanced technology protocols which include Focused Shockwave Therapy (FST), Electro Magnetic Transduction Therapy and the Tesla Chair.





a diagram contrasting a flaccid penis versus an erect penis

How do men get erections?

In the process of achieving an erection, the penis requires approximately 20 times more blood to rapidly flow into and remain within it than under normal circumstances. This increased blood flow causes the penis to swell and become firm, resulting in a rigid erection. However, both Peyronie's Disease and ED involve the formation of plaque within the blood vessels, obstructing this crucial flow and preventing the attainment of a satisfying erection.

In the case of Peyronie's Disease, this obstruction is further exacerbated, often leading to the development of a lump of plaque on the side of the penis. Consequently, this area of the penis cannot expand as it should, causing an erection to result in a noticeable bend.

One remarkable benefit of breaking down the plaque associated with Peyronie's Disease is the simultaneous rejuvenation of the blood vessels within the penis. As a result, men undergoing this treatment not only experience a straighter penis but also gain the ability to maintain stronger and longer-lasting erections, enhancing their overall sexual satisfaction.

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Please take a few minutes to watch this video about Peyronie's Disease and Erectile Dysfunction before reading more.



What Causes ED and PD

Men suffer from ED due to a variety of reasons.

  • The most commonly associated ED risk factor is ageing. Some studies have shown that 50% of men over the age of 40, suffer some level of Erectile Dysfunction.
  • Another significant ED risk factor is Diabetes. High blood sugar or Diabetes causes damage to the blood vessels within the penile tissues. Over time this leads to deposits on the blood vessel linings and restricts blood flow into the penile tissues, resulting in difficulty in obtaining an erection. This affects type 1, type 2 diabetics and also men that are considered pre diabetic.
  • A man can also suffer from ED if he has a low level of nitric oxide and a low testosterone hormone in his body.

  • Hypertension or high blood pressure is also a major risk factor for ED. High blood pressure can also cause permanent blood vessel damage and reduced blood flow to the penis.Other major physical causes of ED include high cholesterol, cardiovascular issues and damage to the penis.
  • Psychological factors such as anxiety and depression can further disturb mental stability required to get strong erections and lead to ED.
  • Moreover, hazardous habits such as smoking, drug abuse and alcohol abuse are also some of the major causes of ED.  


an illustration showing the stages of plaque build-up that causes Peyronie's Disease

Understanding Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease is not as common as Erectile Dysfunction, and it is often difficult to determine the exact reason why a particular patient suffers from PD. However, various risk factors have been identified. For example, penile injury is considered as one of the most common risk factors for PD and this can be caused by a sporting or sexual injury.

These injuries can trigger the development of the fibrous plaques resulting in penile curvature, hourglass shapes, or indentation in the penis. Men with connective tissue disorders, such a Dupuytren's contracture lederhosen or Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes are at a higher risk.

If a patient suffers both partial ED as well as PD, we recommend a course of shockwave therapy. This will have two main effects.

  • The first is the increasing and revitalising of the blood vessels within the penis. This is known as angiogenesis. More blood vessels allow more blood to flow into the penis and enable stronger, harder erections.
  • The second effect is the development of new nerve tissues, which is known as neurogenesis. This increases the sensitivity of the penis, enabling more satisfying and fulfilling sexual intercourse.

Whilst most patients experience immediate improvements after the initial programme of treatment, Peyronie's Disease can be a very stubborn condition and in some instances is resistant to all non-invasive treatments and non-surgical treatments.

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an illustration showing shockwave therapy, and how it is administered as a therapy for Peyronie's Disease

Additional Treatment for ED Sufferers

Peyronie's Disease patients who have also suffered from moderate to severe ED previously may also be prescribed a treatment of shockwave therapy for their ED. This has two main benefits.

  • The first is in increasing and revitalising the blood vessels within the penis. This is known as angiogenesis. More blood vessels allow more blood to flow into the penis and enable a stronger erection.
  • The second effect is the development of new nerve tissues. This is known as Neurogenesis. This increases the sensitivity of the penis, enabling more satisfying and fulfilling intercourse.





an EMTT device used for erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's disease treatments

Other Treatments for ED and PD

Along with Shockwave Therapy, our Extracorporeal MagnetoTransduction Therapy (EMTT) and NanoVi technology are also very effective in improving penile health and erectile function.

EMTT is very effective in treating ED as it utilises strong magnetic field to improve the blood flow in the penile tissues and hasten the healing process of the body. When it is combined with shockwave therapy, it can greatly benefit PD patients by reducing penile curvature and straightening the penis.

Our NanoVi Exo technology provides an additional tool and can also be used in conjunction with both shockwave therapy and EMTT. NanoVi repairs cell damage and DNA of those cells by strengthening the immune system of the body. It also improves endothelial functions of the penis and aid men in obtaining improved and stronger erections.





Erectile Dysfunction & Peyronie's Disease FAQs

How Common is ED in Men?

ED is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions among men around the world. It usually occurs in older men. But younger men and even teenagers can suffer from this issue. In recent years, the number of ED patients has increased significantly around the globe.

What Are the Symptoms Of ED?

Erectile Dysfunction is a male sexual issue which is identified by the inability to obtain erections sufficient for sexual intercourse. When a man gets sexually aroused, his penis becomes erect. However, if a man is unable to get an erection in this situation, then he could be suffering from ED.

Can ED be Permanent?

ED can both be temporary and permanent. Usually, psychological issues contribute to the development of temporary ED and nerve damage, or blood vessel damage can induce permanent ED. Thankfully both types of ED can be treated with effective treatment options.

How Can I Identify PD?

PD is a distinct male sexual condition and can be identified by a deformity developing in the penis resulting in a curvature, an hourglass shape, or an indentation in the penis.

Can ED Happen to Anyone?

ED is usually more commonly associated with older men. But it can happen to any man at any age. Even teenagers are not immune to this issue. Unfortunately, in recent times the number of young male ED patients has increased rapidly.

Who Are More Vulnerable to Suffer From ED?

ED can happen to any man, but older men are more vulnerable to it. Men who suffer from problems such as Diabetes, Hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart diseases have a considerably higher chance of experiencing difficulties in achieving strong erections. Psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, body image issues can also induce ED in men. Habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol or drug abuse are also known as major risk factors for ED.

Do Psychological Issues Cause ED?

The process of getting an erection consists of some complex psychological processes as well as some physical processes. When a man gets sexually aroused, his brain sends signals to the penis, and this is how the erection process starts. Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression or sadness can disrupt this psychological process.

Will ED Go Away on Its Own?

This is unlikely, a man with ED usually requires medical treatment of some sort. But if ED only happens occasionally due to tiredness or fatigue, then this may be a temporary problem.

How Does PD Occur?

One of the main causes of PD is penile injury. Penile injury can occur from a number of reasons such as accidents or a sports related injuries in the genital area. These blows to the penis can cause plaques to build up resulting in bends or indents within it. Other risk factors for PD are genetics and connective tissue disorders.

What’s the Connection Between ED and PD?

Men who suffer from PD have a very high probability to suffer from ED as well. The plaque formation in the penis can impede the blood flow which is required to get erections. Moreover, pain and psychological distress associated with PD can cause anxiety or depression which can also further worsen ED in patients.

Are ED and PD Treatable?

Both ED and PD are treatable conditions, though PD is more complex to treat compared to ED. Various kinds of invasive and non-invasive treatments are available for both issues. We prioritise non-invasive treatments and with our modern treatment protocols, we have successfully treated thousands of men suffering from ED and PD.




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