an illustrative diagram comparing a normal bladder with an overactive bladder

Erectile Dysfunction and an Overactive Bladder

Many conditions have an adverse effect on Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and ED is a common problem among men who suffer with an Overactive Bladder (OAB).

Our experts advise that these patients consult their doctor and also approach us if they are having problems with sexual intercourse as it may be as a result of their OAB or another indication of poor health.




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Problems with ED leave it impossible for many men to achieve or maintain an erection. But now with Focused Shockwave Therapy (FSWT) and other ground-breaking clinical technologies like the EMTT and Tesla chair, MansMatters is able to reverse this decline in many patients.




a man covering their crotch with his hands due to an overactive bladder

Erectile Dysfunction and frequent urination often occur together

Frequent and sudden urges to urinate are signs of an Overactive Bladder (OAB) and often the urge to urinate can be difficult to control.

OAB affects up to 30% of men at some point in their life. The issue can interfere with everyday life and be a cause of embarrassment and in some instances place limits on your work and social life. What's more, the need to urinate frequently during the night can lead to sleep loss for you and your partner if your waking and movement disturb them. This can leave you both feeling tired and may cause friction between one another.

Additionally, some sufferers experience the embarrassment of urinary leakage.

OAB is the result of the bladder muscles and nerves failing to operate properly, causing frequent signals being sent to the brain asking it to contract bladder muscles to release urine.

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a person covering their crotch with their hands against a blue-grey background


OAB and Erectile Dysfunction

Recent research has shed further light on the relationship between erectile dysfunction and an overactive bladder (OAB). Numerous studies have highlighted the high prevalence of these conditions coexisting in men.

For instance, a study conducted by the International Continence Society (ICS) revealed that 34.7% of sexually active men with OAB reported ED, compared to 20% of the control group. This suggests a significant association between OAB and ED, indicating that the presence of one condition may increase the likelihood of developing the other.

Similarly, a study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research in 2019 investigated the prevalence of OAB symptoms in men with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and found a significant correlation between the two conditions. The study suggested that OAB symptoms should be assessed in men presenting with ED, and appropriate management strategies should be implemented.

Furthermore, research has shown that treatments for OAB, such as antimuscarinic medications or beta-3 adrenergic agonists (e.g., mirabegron), may have an impact on erectile function. Some studies have reported improvements in erectile function following the treatment of OAB, while others have not observed significant effects.

It is important to note that both Erectile Dysfunction and an Overactive Bladder can arise from various causes. Certain medications used to treat other conditions can contribute to the development of an overactive bladder or erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, surgical interventions for bladder or prostate cancer can also lead to ED. It is crucial to understand and consider these factors when assessing and managing men with concurrent OAB and ED.

Traditionally, the treatment approach for individuals experiencing both OAB and ED involved a combination of medications, lifestyle modifications, and surgical procedures. Injectable medications, such as alprostadil, are commonly used to induce erections in individuals with ED. Urethral suppositories and vacuum devices have also been employed to improve erectile function. In some cases, surgical insertion of devices, such as penile implants, may be recommended to aid in achieving and maintaining an erection.

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How We Treat ED & OAB at MansMatters

We have found that with a combination of treatments we are able to help men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction and an Overactive Bladder.

  • Initially, we use shockwave therapy on the penis which triggers the development of new blood vessels in the penis allowing increased blood flow into it and thus allowing stronger erections to be achieved. The shockwaves also heal smooth muscles in the penis – the penile arteries through which blood flows.
  • We then use Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT).  This works on a microscopic cell level. Our equipment allows an intense magnetic field to reach the endothelial cells within the millions of blood vessels in the penis. These cells produce energy, transfer nutrients and aid in cell regeneration while promoting your overall environment to enable faster healing and the recovery of sexual function to normal levels.
  • Additionally, we use the TESLA Chair – this uses Functional Magnetic Stimulation that stimulates targeted deep muscle structures, triggering the motor nerve system of the body and stimulating the muscles to contract and therefore become bigger, stronger, and tighter. It is particularly useful in helping to overcome urinary problems such as OAB. You simply sit in the TESLA Chair fully clothed while it delivers the powerful electromagnetic waves into your pelvic area. Along with this, we will also provide you with help and advice on exercises to take to maintain a healthy pelvic area.

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