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Dupuytren’s Disease and Peyronie's Disease.

Dupuytren’s Disease and Peyronie’s Disease   

Dupuytren’s Disease, also known as Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition where one or a number of fingers become permanently bent in a flexed position. It can affect one finger on one hand or all fingers and both hands with some fingers bent right around to the palm and others flexed at different angles. It can cause unsightly nodules on the palms of the hand.

Whilst the link to men’s health isn’t obvious, there is in fact a direct correlation between Dupuytren’s Disease, Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Dupuytren’s disease (DD) can be passed on genetically. So, if you suffer from PD and you remember elder relatives in your family having bent and deformed fingers, this is an indication that your condition might be genetic.

If you are suffering from DD and PD and believe that this may be contributing to ED please contact us now for a FREE consultation, or carry on reading to find out more.

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Dupuytren’s Disease develops over a period of time, with small nodules that are visible under the skin of the palms. It can also cause pain, which increases over time. The fingers cannot be naturally straightened and simple tasks like picking up a cup of coffee become very difficult and, in some cases, impossible.

As is the case with Peyronie’s Disease (PD), Dupuytren’s Disease (DD) is a connective tissue disorder, leading to the development of a non-cancerous fibrous plaque. In cases of PD, the deformity is manifested in bent or deformed erections, but with Dupuytren’s Contracture the deformity is solely in the hand.

A correlation between Dupuytren’s disease and Peyronie’s disease was identified as long ago as the early 1800’s and a 2011 study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research (1) reported the prevalence of DD in men with PD at 22%.

Additionally, men who have Dupuytren’s disease may also suffer from Erectile Dysfunction. The association between the two problems is their shared risk factor of excessive collagen protein. When you have excessive collagen, your skin can stretch, thicken, and harden. In patients with Dupuytren’s disease, older collagen proteins don’t break down sufficiently and therefore the amount of this protein increases and can thicken and stiffen the tissues. It can also form scar tissues in the penis, which can restrict the blood flow within the penile tissues and since a good flow of blood into the penis is necessary for a man to get an erection, this can lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

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In the first stages of Dupuytren’s Disease, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, and extracorporeal magneto transduction therapy can be an effective treatment for many men.

These revolutionary treatment procedures can break down the plaques and improve blood flow in the fingers. This combined with manual exercise can improve the condition and negate the need for surgery.

Where Dupuytren’s Disease is at an advanced stage, we refer to Professor Carlson in Germany who undertakes combined surgical and shockwave therapy.

To find out more call us today or please take a moment to complete the contact form below and we will get back to you quickly.

Dupuytren’s Disease and Peyronie's Disease FAQ's

Dupuytren’s disease is a connective tissue disorder which leads to the development of fibrous plaques in the fingers. Dupuytren’s disease causes severe curvature in one or more fingers.

Dupuytren’s disease and Dupuytren’s contracture are exactly the same condition.

Due to the severe curvature of fingers caused by Dupuytren’s disease, doing simple tasks with the hand can become extremely difficult or even impossible. Holding a mobile phone or a cup of tea may eventually become impossible do to Dupuytren’s contracture.

Exact causes of Dupuytren’s disease are still not clear, but people with diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and alcoholism are more likely to develop and experience Dupuytren’s disease than others. It can also be a genetic issue especially in Caucasian males

You may have trouble laying your hand flat on a table, you may see one or multiple small lumps in your palm and over time these lumps may get thicker and tighter, you may see your fingers are getting curved or bent and you may start to lose your ability to easily control items with your hand. These are some of the common symptoms of this disease. If you start to encounter these problems, then there is a high chance that you may be suffering from this issue.

Peyronie’s disease and Dupuytren’s disease are often comorbid. Both of these issues can occur genetically and are identified as connective tissue disorders. Plus, both issues lead to the development of fibrous plaques.

Men with Dupuytren’s disease are more likely to develop Peyronie’s disease in their penis. Due to PD, blood flow is restricted within the penile tissues and thus results in ED.

Treatment of Dupuytren’s disease is complex. There is no straightforward cure for this issue. But with proper treatments the symptoms of this condition can be improved effectively. Dupuytren’s Disease can be treated non-invasively with manual therapy and shockwave therapy.

If Dupuytren’s disease is still in its early phase, then our extracorporeal shockwave therapy and extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy can be very effective in improving its symptoms. But, if it’s in an advanced phase, then surgical procedure may be required alongside extracorporeal shockwave therapy.